Don't gamble with your Internet and Social Media presence.
At IPC, we diligently monitor that landscape and stand ready to help you harness the power while avoiding the risks.
In the 21st century, every entrepreneur and business faces the sometimes daunting task of harnessing the power of the Internet and social media while striving to avoid potential legal exposure.
Just as the technology itself moves at a tremendous pace, the law governing online business transactions presents an ever-changing landscape.
Our experts take the risk out of harnessing online technologies.
Internet Services we provide:
Domain Name Transfers (buy or sell)
Domain Name UDRP Proceedings
Cybersquatting Claims
Trademark Infringement
Copyright Infringement
Right of Publicity Claims
Meta Tags
Contracts and Agreements
Website Development Agreements
Website Hosting Agreements
User Agreements and Terms and Conditions of Use
Click-through and Web-Wrap Agreements
Software Licenses
Content Licenses
Privacy and COPPA Compliance Guidance
If you would like more information on our services or to speak with one of our professionals, please call us at 504-322-7166 or Request a Free Consultation.