Court Case Update: IPC Attorneys Featured in Law360

Law360 features IPC Attorneys in Wilco Marsh Buggies and Draglines Inc v. Weeks Marine Inc.

Intellectual Property Consulting LLC (IPC) attorneys Greg Latham, Stephen Kepper, and Adam Vickers were featured in a recent Law360 article regarding the admissibility of Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) rulings in federal district court jury trials in Wilco Marsh Buggies and Draglines Inc v. Weeks Marine Inc
In connection with this lawsuit filed by IPC's client, Wilco Marsh Buggies and Draglines, Inc. against Weeks Marine, Inc., Wilco asserts that Weeks Marine infringes Wilco's United States Patent No. 6,918,801. In a memorandum filed on December 30, 2022, Wilco Marsh Buggies and Draglines, Inc. opposed a bid by Weeks Marine Inc. to exclude specific evidence — including the PTAB's previous refusal to launch an inter partes review into Wilco's asserted patent — from an upcoming infringement trial over the transportation technology. According to Wilco, "there is no legitimate reason to hide from the jury" that the PTAB has dismissed a challenge to the patent at the initial pleading stage.
Greg noted to Law360 that "the jury is entitled to see this evidence when determining the patent's validity and whether the defendant's ongoing infringement is willful."
A jury trial is scheduled to begin on March 13, 2023, in the New Orleans federal court.
Learn more about the Wilco Marsh Buggies and Draglines Inc v. Weeks Marine Inc. suit 
in the Law360 feature:
Intellectual Property Consulting LLC handles patent litigation in federal courts around the country and internationally, providing first-in-class legal solutions in trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets, entertainment, software, and Internet law. 
Built and led by IP lawyers, IPC serves clients across a diverse set of industries through business consulting and strategy, licensing, litigation, risk aversion, copyright, and trademark prosecution. 
If you have a patent matter that you would like to discuss, please get in touch with Greg Latham (, Stephen Kepper (, or Adam Vickers (

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